
Return conditions

Still not satisfied with the product? You have the option to return the product within 14 days of receipt. To do so, follow the steps below.

STEP 1: Look for your order confirmation, which you have received by email. Also check your spam box / junk mail if you can't find it.

STEP 2: Take the return form and fill in the order number and your details. Enter the reason for return and which items you want to return.

STEP 3: Pack the products in their original condition and packaging in a shipping bag. Place the completed return form in the shipping bag. Stick the return label clearly visible on the shipping bag. Please note, the return costs are for your account.

STEP 4: Hand in the package at the post office and keep the proof of postage well.

When do we pay back?
We will transfer the costs incurred by you (purchase costs) to you within 5 working days of receipt.

What do you get back?
You will receive the full purchase amount back. The right to a refund will lapse if the return does not meet the return conditions. For further conditions regarding returns, we would like to refer you to our terms and conditions .

Please note: use a shipping bag and pack the products in their original condition, so that the original packaging of the item is returned to us in good condition.

Where do I receive the refunded amount?
We will refund the amount in the same way as you paid. Can't do this? Then we will contact you.

Costs for returning
The costs for the return shipment are for your own account. Are you returning a product because it is damaged or delivered incorrectly? Then we reimburse these costs afterwards.