About us

Two young women with a passion for fashion decided to make their passion their job… and then in 2022 RBORN came to life. Besides being passionate about fashion, it also gives us a certain feeling. A good and confident feeling. For example after a successful day of shopping or when wearing the outfit you love so much.

Anyway, taking good care of yourself, pampering yourself every now and then, that 'me-time' can make you feel reborn. That feeling was our inspiration for the name RBORN. We hope you get this feeling after shopping at RBORN.

Our mission is to make fashion accessible and affordable for everyone. RBORN follows the trends to offer you the must-haves of the moment. We not only follow the trends, but also create them for you. An inspiration for your everyday outfits.

Happy shopping ladies!
Yannick & Ghizlane
PS shop your new outfit and feel RBORN